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6 Essential Principles of Mobile App Design – Did You Check In?

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6 Essential Principles of Mobile App Design – Did You Check In?

Smartphone usage has become such a growing trend these days that it is touted to triumph over the usage of computers very soon. Mobiles thus have become prime targets for companies so that a vast section of users can be catered to. With this prospect in mind enters a mobile app designer who has to help companies catch up with the trend. Like everything else, if you want to be successful in this venture you have to plan properly in advance. But do you feel as if you do not know where to start from? In that case here are some essential principles to follow while designing mobile apps- some of these can even surprise you.

mobile app designer- principals

Keep it simple but too simple a mobile app design may kill it!

Almost every professional swears by this rule, keeping it simple. This is true in case of mobile websites as well as apps. Simple always works best since the screen space is quite tiny and often the internet connection is remarkably slow. Simple designs ensure that the visitors can access the most crucial points and avoid anything else which might be totally unnecessary. For that content needs to be prioritized since heavy content can make the app slow. However, all said and done, simple design does not mean that everything should look the same. This might again prove to be confusing to the users.

Sign-up form, knowing where to start and stop

How many times have you downloaded a really interesting looking app but even before you start using it you are assaulted with several sign-up forms? This is something I have experienced as well and from that I can say that it is not at all a pleasant experience; it made me feel like uninstalling the culprit immediately. I know we are supposed to expect it but this really annoying aspect means bad UX. So these days a professional mobile app designer works in a slightly different way; gradual engagement is something they are adopting. Essentially you can start using the app from the word go and you can fill out forms afterwards. This helps the company know and get actual users who care and understand their service.

Focus on core functionality

If apps become complex then people find it hard to navigate and use it, especially since smartphones are used even on the go when the users are standing or are in dim lights. In this respect less is better. The features incorporated should be ruthlessly edited so that it appears concise. So, it is best to focus on the core functionality. Make sure that it does not become complex or unwieldy. In case there are many features or functionality to incorporate, it is best to divide and dedicate them to separate individual apps.

Prototypes or mock-ups designed on the actual device

When you design something on a huge computer screen which is actually meant to be displayed on a small screen you will not really get the actual feel; the touch and swipe functions will not be the same as well. Something designed on big screen might not look or work right on small screen. Similarly something that might work well on mobile device might not project the same feeling on computer screens. So it is best to work in actual contexts.

Catering for different screens

There are so many kinds of mobile phones and smartphones and each of them has different screen resolution. So while designing apps a mobile app designer has to consider this point. Here responsiveness is totally essential. This ensures that the interaction between the app and the user is perfectly balanced. In user interaction context, another point to consider is avoiding scrolling since non-scrolling screens are seen as more dependable.

Some bonus tips for mobile app design

An important thing for your own betterment is to analyze the negative customer flows. Here you have to remember that most users browse the app when they need something fast or when they are simply sitting somewhere and do not have much to do. These users will be quickly frustrated if the navigation scheme is poor or hampers their browsing session in some way. So analyzing their behavior properly will lead to a solid foundation. Also it is very important to test the application properly. Fine tune it correctly so that the end result is perfect. Keep the content to minimum and increase the visual aspect by including polished icons wherever possible.


It may sound harsh but unless you give in your 100% and use your head properly, your app will simply drown in the sea of applications currently available. So as a mobile app designer you should try to stand apart from the crowd and provide the best possible user experience so that users can keep coming back to it.


  1. Reply

    Keep up the great work ethic. Cheers

  2. RKS Reply

    Thanks for sharing with us this piece.

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