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20 Best Useful Web Development Tools for Different Purpose

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20 Best Useful Web Development Tools for Different Purpose

So, you have got your dream job in a renowned web development company. It is great and now, you have to pull up your socks to put up an impressive performance right from the start. The following list of 20 web development tools for various functions can help you do your work perfectly.

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Website Development Tools for Debugging


1. CodeSite – Sensing any defects in your code? Fix them with the help of CodeSite without delay. You can convey information from your application code to an expert receiver.

2. PHP Debug – An open source project that offers valuable data about your PHP code and a great debugging tool, PHP Debug is a multi-tasker. It can

• Signal the processing times of your PHP and SQL.
• Track the performance of specific code blocks and add different elements in a graphical form. This is really great, especially when you want a distinct visual end result apart from the already given one.

3. Xdebug – A much sought-after troubleshooting PHP extension, Xdebug is compatible to popular PHP applications like, phpDesigner and PHPEclipse. When you have less time to handle a crucial job of identifying defects in the source code, you can rely on Xdebug to gather helpful information and carry out the task with speed and efficiency.

4. PHP_Dyn – One more open source tool in this list, PHP Dyn helps you map out execution and obtain upshot of argument and return values of your functions.

Website Development Tools for Testing & Optimization


5. AQtime – This is a highly functional troubleshooting (for memory usage) as well as a performance testing tool for Visual C++, Visual Basic, C++ Builder, GCC and Delphi. Equipped with numerous features, AQtest can boost your projects by offering you many critical data about the progress of your projects.

6. SmartInspect – Looking for a useful tool for troubleshooting and testing your Delphi applications? You may choose to look no further than SmartInspect which is equipped with a logging library. Sync the library with your Delphi applications, identify and correct errors and monitor messages, files and other objects.

7. PHP Profile Class – It is an outstanding PHP profiling tool for web apps. With PHP Profile Class, it is much easier and faster to identify which aspects of your application require optimisation.

8. SimpleTest – It is a no-nonsense unit-testing tool designed for PHP applications. Writing test cases is easier and quicker with SimpleTest. You just need to know the right steps to do so.

9. PHPUnit – A complete port of JUnit testing suite to PHP5, PHPUnit helps you in evaluating your web app’s viability and constancy. Using this tool is hassle -free.

10. PHP CodeSniffer – When you have a big team working on a huge project of your web development company, you can use PHP CodeSniffer to maintain consistent coding styles. This excellent tool is a PHP5 script that identifies conformity to a pre-set PHP coding standard.

Website Development Tools for Documentation


11. PHP DOX – Powered by Ajax, this amazing and easy-to-use documentation tool helps to locate titles in PHP documentation pages.

12. Dexy – This tool supports any language and helps you craft a flawless documentation for API.

13. – Equipped with IO support and GitHub assimilation, is the key to a successful documentation.

14. phpDocumentor – Also called phpdocu and phpdoc, phpDocumentor is your ultimate choice for documenting your source code. It can give end result in PDF, HTML, XML and CHM formats. It features command line as well as web-based interface. It allows source code underlining. I believe this is one of the finest documentation tools that every web development company uses at present.

Website Development Tools for Ensuring Security


15. OWASP – Open Web Application Security Project popularly abbreviated as OWASP is considered the best tool for the secure design and development of software. Using OWASP is not a complicated job at all.

16. ClamAV – It inspects all information flowing from different sources. This open-source antivirus engine detects malwares, Trojans and viruses to obstruct security breach.

17. Truecrypt – If you are looking for a security tool for disk-level encryption, Truecrypt is the one you need. Truecrypt scrutinises data before you save it to the disk and also decrypts the data after it is streamed from the disk.

18. GnuPG – GnuPG is the best bet when it comes to email and file encryption. It is a command-line security tool and has been designed as a substitute for Pretty Good Privacy or PGP. It is a part of Ubuntu, openSUSE, Fedora and almost all chief Linux operating systems.

19. Pixy – This Java program runs an automatic check of PHP 4 source code. Pixy has been designed to identify SQL and XSS discrepancies.

20. Scavenger – This open-source security tool detects susceptibilities, tracks the sources of discrepancies and takes appropriate actions against them.

There are many more tools that can help you with a flawless work. Learn about them as well for the success of your web development company.

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